QR code for a website - What to know

Traffic is an essential criterion for a website’s existence. An easy access to website is the best way to make a healthy traffic. A website QR Code is a kind of QR code that helps users to traverse into websites or another landing space. These QR codes are mostly available on flyers, posters and newsletters.

QR code for a website

So, how to make a QR code for a website

1. Opt for a good QR generator

Prefer a custom QR code generator which is efficient and easy. A free QR code generator is always a good choice to opt. QRzan is one of the best.

2. Choose the kind of QR code.

Whether it is dynamic and static Choose the apt kind of QR code according to the requirements. A static QR code is non editable and a dynamic QR code is editable. The flexibility of dynamic QR code is usually used for seasonal campaigns and static QR code is usually used for permanent campaigns. 

3. Select the QR code type.

Choose QR code type as app download QR code, coupon QR codes or social media QR codes. 

4. Select the redirection destination

Paste a URL of the webpage where it to be redirected. 

5. Test QR code

6. Download it

7. Track and analyze the QR code scans by integrating with Google Analytics

How to utilize QR codes

Including QR codes after the news reports in newspapers, product in packages etc is the best example for proper utilisation of QR codes.

Marketing and QR codes

Digital marketing is the industry utilising the function of QR codes the most. Website redirection helps to interconnect different online platforms helps to enhance the ROI swiftly. All actions made are been destined to make quick movements.

Feedback and QR codes

Websites can use QR codes to collect feedbacks directly. It could be utilised for products put for sales and services offered. Consumer will never need to login too the website manually instead they could simply scan the QR code.

QR Code -Pricing

Presently, rather than providing hyperlinks instead embed QR Codes. It is optimum budget friendly and QR code generator pricing is totally feasible. 

Therefore, QR codes are the new link between the physical, online and meta world. This new advent is a new hope and the present pathway to the swift traffic.